This One Tip Can Make You Fall In Love With Your Partner All Over Again
A strong and committed partnership can actually lead to physical health benefits.
The Day I Realized I Wasn’t My Husband’s Wife Anymore
We all play different roles at different times in our lives. This heartfelt article dives into some of the unexpected ways our roles may change within the marriage, whether we want it to occur or not.
9 Tips For Fathers Seeking Full Custody of Their Children
When it comes to custody and divorce, I often hear fathers ask if they stand a chance at getting custody of their children.
Divorce Court Is Usually Quiet During Holiday Season — But 2020 Is Booming
If you or someone you know is thinking about divorce or separation, especially with all of the unpredictability this past year has brought us, please consider reaching out for information on the Collaborative process.
November 2020 Collaborative Circle on YouTube
Welcome back to the Collaborative Circle!
As a reminder, on the last Tuesday of every month, the Long Island Collaborative Divorce Professionals release our Collaborative Circle on YouTube, which seeks to inform and answer all of the questions you may have regarding the Collaborative Divorce process as well as help foster understanding and further our mission of helping families make informed choices about how best to proceed throughout any family crisis.
Raiding Your 401(K) Can Be a Divorce Disaster
When discussing the matter of finances with your divorce attorney, contemplate asking to have a financial expert go over the best scenarios for your situation.
5 Traits All Unhappy Marriages Have in Common (and How to Overcome Them)
What if you knew your relationship was in trouble before it was at the point of separation or divorce?
7 Things To Do ASAP When Your Spouse Wants a Divorce
Top tip from me; keep things civil with your soon-to-be ex-spouse.
6 Traits That Make Marriages Divorce-Proof
While there isn’t one magic secret to a successful marriage, the six traits listed here are a great start.
Considering a Coronavirus Divorce? You’re in Good Company
There may be benefits to divorcing…especially true during the COVID pandemic gripping the nation right now.